Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I must've blinked because Christmas and New Years just flew by. After so many weeks of preparation, it was a lovely couple of days spent with family and friends. Goldie got several lovely gifts and I am the proud owner of a new ipod! We also did a series of mini-trips around.

Davey and I went on a lovely anniversary/babymoon to the beach. Sans Goldie. I really didn't realize what a difference it would make to go away just the two of us, but I feel awesomely rejuvinated. Then we swooped in for the kid and took of for Seattle to check out Ikea for some storage solutions. Now we have long reffered to Costco as the $200 store. When we first started our foray into Ikealand we started joking that it was the $700 store. By the time we dragged our fat asses to the checkout with swedish-meatball juice still gushing down our faces we were calling it the Holy-shit-did-you-pay-the-mortgage store. We got a ton of stuff we really needed, and some we didn't. All of it is awesome though. In about 6 months we are getting our own swedish meatball land here about 5 miles from our house and then it looks like our lives will be completely taken over by a smorgasborg of budget birch veneered flat boxes.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

For the kiddies

Last night we invited our good friends Erica, Travis and their two boys to join us at the zoo for the zoolights train ride. Basically, it was about 3 hours freezing our butts off chasing a very frosty toddler who would not stay-in-the-stroller-Godamnit-I-am-so-not-kidding. Thank goodness Erica and Travis like our baby more than we do so they lugged around her around like a 25 lb bundled babycicle for the duration. It really was a great time and their boys are so great to be around. Davey has put in the suggestion that next year we do something that involves more sitting down indoors and less hiking in the freezing cold. I will take that into consideration. Picture will follow.

On to the construction update! My rubber room is complete minus light fixtures and baseboards. Goldie checked it out last night and rolled around for about a 1/2 hour on the thick carpet. I am so determined to keep it nice and not let it turn into a shithole. I have visions of many playdates and movie parties happening in there.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Field Report

Sonic is definitely a guilty pleasure. We ate obscene amounts of delightfully unhealthy fare....all was either deep fried, smothered with mayonaise and cheese, or loaded with sugar. I seriously dipped DEEP FRIED CHEESECAKE into a sauce whose first three ingredients were: High fructose corn syrup, sugar, corn syrup. Also the environment was definitely something new for us. Pulling into the burger docking station facing a wall, ordering and paying without human face to face interaction with menus acting as partitions between the other cars felt somehow...pornographic. Like we could gorge ourselves on guilty food anonymously, I was sort of waiting for a peep show with my coney dog.

It reminded me of the Motels in Mexico where you pull into a garage and the curtain is pulled behind you, money is deposited through a hole and the room is yours for 4 hours. No one is the wiser. Oh, you don't know about those? Um, me either.

Anyway, Sonic. Will we be going back? Hell yes. After our arteries regain bloodflow. Maybe sometime next spring.

Monday, December 11, 2006


As this pregnancy goes on, I am getting trashier by the day. Right now, in fact I am sitting here eating expired sugar-free pudding cups and drinking coke while my toddler, who is clearly not sleeping, is in bed. Reason? I don't want to share the pudding cups.

Also, my husband just called to inform me that they put in one of these about 30 miles away. I can't believe I am just drooling for a hot dog and a limeade I have seen on the commercials since being pg with Goldie. They say that there are lines like 75 people long.....guess it is about to be 76. sigh.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Molars of Doom

I never thought that construction would get me so excited! I went out and picked the paint and ordered carpet yesterday. Soon I will be relaxing in my new room! My mom has a play kitchen for Goldie so she will definitely be excited to have a new place to play.

Also, does the morning sickness never end? I am at 23 weeks, with no end in sight! At least it is manageable now, only about 3 hours a day compared with 18 hours a day a few months ago. Davey and I are getting ready for our babymoon/anniversary trip the first of the year. We have childcare lined up and will be packing up all my pillows and heading out....somewhere.....haven't decided where yet, but I have narrowed it down to within driving distance because flying doesn't sound very relaxing.

I think G is getting molars. Holy hell we are all going to die. I give her ibuprofin and extra love....any other ideas? Seriously, these molars are going to kill me

Friday, December 01, 2006


My little rubber room is becoming a reality! I've got construction guys banging away, putting up walls and installing windows and putting on siding! I am so excited to finally have a place to hang out with Goldie and play and not have her tug on cords or eat paper or ruin my hardwoods. I think if everything goes right we will be in by Christmas! Hurray!

My eating habits have really changed this time around. Where Goldie was gestated on sour gummy worms, choco dino bites and coke, this one prefers apples and strawberries and water. I am hoping that some of this eating will stick with me as I am really enjoying it. Maybe it is just because I subconciously know that my body can't take another round of compounding pregnancy and is trying to keep it to a minimum. Now if I could just stop the gallons of milk from flowing into my veins, but since I still have moderate morning sickness, it seems to calm my tummy. Oh well, I am still down a pound from my first check in so at 22 weeks I am not complaining. My midwife thinks that if I can keep it to 10 lbs gain that would be for the best.