Thursday, January 10, 2008


I´m still alive! Barely! What happened is that I have a crazy bad throat infection and have spent most of my Mexico vacay in dr.´s offices who have no time for silly trifles such as HAND WASHING or WEARING GLOVES. What they are really good at is having a shocked look upon looking into my throat and saying ¡Horrible! ¡Terrible! The first round of antibiotics were for naught and things kind of got out of hand. The next time I went they decided that it was time for heavy duty antibiotic injections. They told me to come back with some penicilin and syringes. ¿Que? So I found said supplies and now I have to find someone to drop my pants for every morning and get my dose. I am almost able to eat again which is great. I am so lucky to have friends to help haul my sick ass around and who think it is ridiculous that I get so fantastically sick every time I come visit. "We´ll call you when she starts barfing" my friend told the dr. on our way out last night. I guess I´m predictable. Surprisingly, I am still having fun. Such is life in Mexico. I love it here.

Thank God for Mindy and the nanny. Why don´t I have one of those at home?


Blogger sltbee69 said...

Yikes! I don't think I'd handle being sick in another country as well as you are. I'd want to go home to my mommy. Besides the sickies, I'm glad you are having a good time. You deserve it!

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no! But I'm glad you are there amongst friends to help take care of you - and that you are still having fun!

9:46 AM  

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