Sunday, March 16, 2008

A good weekend

Today we journeyed to my longtime friend's house for The Hunt. This is a long standing Easter tradition of candy filled eggs and occasionally bloody stumps. I was stoked to pass this day on to my children as I watched Goldie's eyes get wide as she FOUND ONE! NOW WHAT DO I DO WITH IT AGAIN?

Roob had a good time too. She spent her day crawling on the floor looking for bits of treats and possibly plastic choking hazards to ram in her cry hole. She eventually found a piece of Styrofoam that my brother in law fished out of her mouth and gave me the Glary Glare of Incompetent Parenting, but I was like I'm really sorry I am not watching my children right now, but can't you see that I AM TRYING TO EAT CANDY HERE? Really.

In other news, we are now proud owners of a hot tub that is bringing much joy and pruny fingers to our lives. Goldie keeps asking to go in, but I feel that would be counter intuitive as I got the hot tub to relieve the stress that having two small children incur and bringing them in so that they can complain about trifles like "I'm hot" ,"My flesh is melting" and "I think sissy is drowning" is not exactly what I have in mind.


Blogger melody said...

Ah, I was going to save you for later, as I'm working with the queen of all bitches today, but am I ever glad I read you NOW.

"possibly plastic choking hazards to ram in her cry hole."

that's just priceless, right there, kerstin....

4:32 AM  
Blogger Tracy DeLuca said...

trifles like "I'm hot" ,"My flesh is melting" and "I think sissy is drowning" LOL LOL LOL.... too good....

7:54 PM  
Blogger melody said...

It is long past time for a new post, kerstin.

Come to my blog and let's play.

4:52 AM  

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